Our process
We follow a rigorous, six-step process to find your next academy trustee. This includes an initial discovery call, an extensive search and candidate screening.
The Trustee Recruitment Service sources skilled professionals to strengthen academy trust boards.
Attracting skilled, motivated trustees is crucial to your academy trust’s success. We leverage professional, third-sector, and corporate networks to source candidates with the right expertise for your trust board.
A specialist arm of Governors for Schools, the Trustee Recruitment Service builds on 25 years of governance knowledge.
We follow a rigorous, six-step process to find your next academy trustee. This includes an initial discovery call, an extensive search and candidate screening.
Our approach to trustee recruitment is tried and tested. Want to hear from multi-academy trusts who’ve already used our service?
If you’d like more information, including costings and service features, we’ll send our brochure directly to your inbox.
Shape education, improve children’s futures. Become an academy trustee.
Your skills, knowledge, and experience can help build outstanding schools in England.
Looking for a new academy trustee or member?
Fill out this short form and we'll get back to you to discuss your recruitment needs.
Our Trustee Recruitment Service is experienced in supporting trusts across England to find people with the skills, experience and breadth of perspectives required. Our dedicated team will work with you to fully understand your needs and source volunteers of the high calibre essential to meet those requirements. We recognise that succession planning is key for these vital roles. Therefore, please do get in touch today to discuss your current and future needs. We’d love to work with you.
Hannah Stolton, CEO, Governors for Schools
When considering the key features of its myriad boards and committees, you’d be hard-pressed to find a school or academy trust unwilling to place ‘diversity’ somewhere near the top of the list of priorities. It’d be easy to spend time re-banging that drum. Reasserting the known…
In this blog, Emma Hawker – Vice Chair at Southend East Community Academy Trust – shares her insights on preparing for the role of academy trustee. From understanding the academy trust’s structure to building connections across schools, Emma offers practical advice she found invaluable along the…
As more people recognise the importance of addressing climate change and developing business practices that promote environmental sustainability – so too have academy trusts. While budgets remain tight, there are many cost-effective ways to promote sustainability/working towards net zero within educational institutions. This blog will explore…