We know that the role academy trustees play within education is incredibly important. These dedicated individuals provide invaluable guidance and oversight, shaping the strategic direction and ensuring the success of academy trusts. However, finding the right academy trustee(s) with the necessary skills, experience, and commitment can be a daunting and time-consuming task. This is where the Trustee Recruitment Service can help by offering a tailored solution to the challenging process of academy trustee recruitment. 


Our experience in the governance sector and academy trustee recruitment

One of the key benefits of using the Trustee Recruitment Service is access to a pool of highly qualified and motivated individuals looking to become academy trustees. Our expert knowledge within the governance landscape is honed by years of experience. We’re also a specialist arm of the recruitment charity, Governors for Schools. Our time within the governance sector has allowed us to create a strong platform to find dedicated experts in their fields as-well as develop a strong reputation for governance recruitment. 

We hold ourselves to rigorous standards and guidelines, ensuring fairness, equality, and diversity throughout the recruitment process. We know that at the heart of every successful academy trust, is a strong and diverse board. That’s why when we’re look for academy trustees, we look for people who can bring a wealth of expertise from various fields, including finance, law, governance, and community engagement. We can also help to find education leaders from the sector to bring rigour and challenge to trust boardrooms. This approach allows us to better match you with prospective volunteers who have the skills you’re looking for when you register your academy trust vacancy with us. 

By promoting inclusivity and diversity on trust boards, we also contribute to a richer and more representative governance structure, reflective of the communities served by your academy trust. 


Time-saving recruitment process

Our recruitment teams use extensive and varied techniques to network and identify potential academy trustees who possess the specific skills and attributes sought by academy trusts. Whether it’s expertise in financial management, legal affairs, or educational leadership you’re after, we can help match the right candidates to your trust. This allows us to streamline the recruitment process for you, saving you valuable time and resources for your trust. 

We can also play a vital role in succession planning. As academy trustees complete their terms or transition out of their roles, it’s crucial to have a robust pipeline of potential successors in place. Our dedicated and trusted process ensures continuity and stability in governance leadership for the long term. 


Support offered and transparent processes

When you register an academy trust vacancy with us, we work with you to find the right academy trustee for your vacancy. Our process has six stages: 

  1. A call for your trust Chair with one of our experienced expert advisers so that we fully understand your requirement. 
  2. The preparation of a role description, finalising your requirements. 
  3. An extensive search for suitable volunteers for your role. This includes: a search within our current database of volunteers, as well as advertising and other databases to headhunt a suitable volunteer for your role. We also work with our partner organisations and networks to source a volunteer. While we have myriad tools to help find the right person, we may only use the most appropriate for your need, location and/or skills requirement. 
  4. An interview with all shortlisted volunteers to ensure we understand their skills, knowledge, expertise, and motivations. The adviser also uses this time to ensure they understand the commitment required.
  5. Sharing the profile of the best candidate for your academy trustee role. 
  6. Making an introduction to the volunteer/s once you confirm mutual interest in their profile for your vacancy. 

After this stage, you are free to engage directly with the volunteer. This is subject to whatever means is most suitable for all parties. If the volunteer does not meet your needs following this direct introduction, we will seek to understand any issues with that match, and then repeat the search on your behalf. 

We also offer ongoing support and guidance to the academy trustees in our pool. This includes our offering of resources, and e-learning opportunities. In doing this, we’re actively ensuring academy trustees get the professional development they need to help build a resilient and capable leadership team equipped to address the evolving challenges facing your academy trust. 


No academy trustee? No fee!

As a charity, we don’t receive any central funding to deliver our service. As a result, we do charge when recruiting academy trustees. However, we pride ourselves on making sure you get an academy trustee that best fits your board. Because of this, we only take payment once you have received a direct introduction to a candidate: 50% of the invoice is payable upon introduction, with the balance due following successful appointment.


Find out more…

Interested in finding out more? Our dedicated team are always here to help with any questions you may have. Feel free to email them at [email protected].

Alternatively, why not check out our dedicated pages around ‘registering your academy trust vacancy‘? This resource is designed to guide you through the process. If you’re ready to register your vacancy, check out our register your trust vacancy page.