Apply to become an academy trustee with the Trustee Recruitment Service

Ready to apply to become an academy trustee? Please fill out the application form below to help us understand your skills, experience and preferences, and we’ll support you throughout the process.

Once we receive your registration, we’ll assess your suitability and a member of the team will get back to you with details and next steps. 

Apply to become an academy trustee


Need more information before you apply?

Want to find out more about the Trustee Recruitment Service before you apply to become an academy trustee? What we do, our process, how we can help you? Maybe you have a question that you don’t feel has been answered? Why not check out our FAQ page?

As part of Trustees Week 2023, we also produced a useful webinar detailing the process of becoming an academy trustee. You can view this on our YouTube channel.

Alternatively, if you have any questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected]. We will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible with an answer to your query.

Haven't seen our other pages?

Found yourself on this page through a direct link? Not ready to apply to become an academy trustee?

Click the link below to start at the beginning of our 'Become an Academy Trustee' pages where you will be able to learn more about the role and how the Trustee Recruitment Service can support you. Simply find this box at the bottom of each of our webpages to navigate your way through all the information you need to know.