‘When I first heard about Governors for Schools I was interested in getting more involved with a local school – but I wasn’t sure about what I could bring to the role, or if I was really qualified to be a school governor.
I decided to go ahead and started my application, which I found straightforward. It was helpful in identifying what I was hoping to get out of the role and also made me consider my areas of strength.
A few weeks later I was offered an interview with a local secondary school. I had a great chat with the headteacher and clerk and attended my first full board meeting soon after.
I’ve been in the role a year now and have found being a governor extremely satisfyingly and engaging. It’s been fascinating to get to understand the strategic and practical elements of running a school. As my understanding and confidence have grown, I feel able to contribute and shape the direction of the school.
I joined the subcommittee for pupil performance and attainment and have become the lead for careers information and guidance (CIAG). Scrutinising reports and decisions are key elements of the role – it’s not about being critical, but about asking questions and ensuring that any plans are thought through and based on evidence.
My highlights so far have been raising the profile of young carers in the school and also offering to support by putting the school in touch with key WP contacts at universities across the North West.
I’d recommend becoming a school governor to anyone working in Higher Education. You’ll bring valuable experience to a governing board, and there’s training available from both Governors for Schools and The Key to make sure you’re effective from your first meeting. The skills you’ll develop will help your own professional development.’