Training for school governors – why it’s important and where to find it

School governors that have undertaken training are important for a successful board. Many new volunteers are first time governors with no previous experience of working in education, so training is essential. While new governors learn on the job and become more confident with every meeting, training can help bridge the…

The Impact School Governors Have On The Gorse Academies Trust

Anne McAvan is a Director with responsibility for governance at The Gorse Academies Trust in Leeds. It’s Anne’s role to make sure each of the Trust’s local governing bodies are working effectively and governors are well-equipped for the role. We spoke to Anne to find out how the governors…

International Women’s Day

Happy International Women’s Day! To celebrate, we caught up with a few of the female team members here at Governors for Schools, to talk about the women who inspire them. Abigail’s inspiration What do you do at Governors for Schools? I’m an Area Manager for Yorkshire and…

Laura Tanguay, a lawyer at Birketts, shares her experience as a school governor

What’s your professional background? I studied Law at the University of Sussex and went on to obtain a Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies at Oxford. I then spent two years training as a solicitor before qualifying in 2013.  I have worked at Birketts LLP ever since (a full-service law…

The motivation behind being a school governor

We caught up with Bav Shah, a governor at Woodlands school in Luton and graduate of Nottingham Trent University, to hear about how he found the role and what motivates him to volunteer. What’s your professional background? I studied Real Estate Management at Nottingham…

Can promoting school governance in communities help fight loneliness?

Our CEO Louise Cooper argues that volunteering as a school governor can be good for mental health, giving people the chance to connect with their community and combat loneliness. Loneliness is an epidemic affecting people of all ages across the UK. The 2016 Co-op and British Red Cross…

Bricks and Mortar matter: why good property management is also good for governors

  Antonia Swinson, CEO of leading UK property advice charity the Ethical Property Foundation, explains why school governors should be aware of their school’s property needs.       Think back to your own school days – and what do you remember? Your friends? Your teachers? How about the…

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