Being a school governor in a primary school vs secondary school

Volunteering as a school governor is a rewarding way to contribute to the education system and support the development of young minds. However, there is often a misconception that being a school governor at a secondary school is fundamentally different – or more beneficial – than being a school…

Going beyond diversity statistics with Sharon Warmington

As part of our Inclusive Governance campaign, we spoke to Sharon Warmington – an experienced academy trustee and school governor, corporate governance specialist, and diversity of race advocate and trainer. She tells us why diversity isn’t just about numbers, how it creates effective challenge and how to own…

Benefits of universities promoting school governance

Universities are in a unique position – not only nurturing the minds of tomorrow, but working with experts across a range of subjects to support students with their studies. These experts – whether they are academic or support staff – can make a huge difference in their local community…

School Governors: How we support school governors in their role

Rounding off our ‘School Governors’ blog series, where we highlight all the things you need to know about becoming a school governor, we wanted to showcase the support we offer at Governors for Schools when in the role. Before we begin, if you’re thinking about volunteering…

School Governors: The benefits of being a school governor

In the last post of our ‘School Governors’ series, we looked at who school governors are and what they do. We explored how, as a school governor, you’ll provide support and challenge to senior leadership and work with the board to develop…

Board diversity in schools: How do we measure up?

The oversight offered by a school’s governing board impacts on the experiences and opportunities available to thousands of children. And yet, research from GovernorHub into The missing pool of talent on school governing boards shows boards often lack diversity; 90% of school governors surveyed were white, 52%…

Inclusive Governance – Spotlight on Neurodiversity

This blog post was written in partnership with Neurodiversity Celebration Week. Are you passionate about supporting the education of children and young people with neurodivergence? Whether you have personal experience of – or a close connection to – neurodiversity, you can make an impact by…

School Governors: Who are they and what do they do? 

Are you looking to make a difference in your local community? Maybe you’ve seen school governors in action and have considered becoming one yourself? You might have also been put off by complicated sounding acronyms or, thought you weren’t experienced enough for the role? To be a school…

Governors for Schools supports Trans Awareness Week (This article has been amended following the release of DfE draft guidelines on gender questioning children on December 19th 2023.)

At Governors for Schools, we believe in providing everybody with the opportunity to help their local communities thrive, especially those who are underrepresented within the governance landscape. According to data from the 2021 census, there are over 262,000 people identifying as transgender (trans) within the UK. We’re keen…

The differences between equality and equity 

One of the reasons many governors volunteer their time to local school boards is to help make the educational landscape a fairer and more inclusive place. However, for all pupils to thrive, governors must appreciate the diverse and complex ways in which some members of the school community face…

Five reasons why Generation Z make great school governors 

There are many benefits to having diverse governing boards comprising people of varying age groups. One of the youngest cohorts eligible to join governing boards is Generation Z (Gen Z) – those born after the mid- to late-1990s. However, only 1% of governors are aged…

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