Many are rightly concerned that the pandemic has widened existing gaps in educational attainment and access to both high quality teaching and support. During this first term of the All Pupils, Every Ambition campaign, we’ll focus on primarily on the effect the past 18 months have had on pupils, and how schools can ensure no student faces long-term educational disadvantage as a result of these events.

We’ll also explore how schools can adapt and evolve to deliver academic outcomes beyond what might have been expected previously. Whilst there have been challenges and frictions in education during the past 18 months, there have also been opportunities and evolution. Leveraging and reinforcing those successes and lessons-learned will be crucial to recovery and improvement.

Throughout the term, we’ll be exploring the following topics through a variety of articles, videos, webinars, and eLearning:

  • The impact of the pandemic on pupils’ education in the immediate and long term
  • Technical information regarding curricula, expectations regarding OFSTED and Estyn inspections, examinations and qualifications, and general school governance
  • The role of the curriculum link governor and the opportunities this presents
  • Leveraging technology to allow for more interactivity, efficiency, engagement, and quality teaching time
  • Maintaining and improving increased parental and community involvement in pupils’ education; from reading more at home to how to make best use of study groups
  • Exploring and leaning into new pedagogy, from active classrooms and project-based learning to game-based learning and gamification

We’re grateful to those expert individuals and organisations who have already helped us ensure our networks and audience will be able to access relevant, diverse, high-quality resources. We also look forward to working with others as the campaign progresses, to drive the continued calibre, scope, and reach of our work.

With thanks to GovernorHub

This article, as with all of this term’s campaign resources, was made possible through the support of GovernorHub. GovernorHub is the leading governor collaboration tool in the country and provides 100,000 school governors, trustees and clerks with tools to communicate, share documents and access the information they need to support schools. Designed by governors, it’s a simple and easy-to-use platform that saves time, improves processes and allows boards to evidence their efforts, all in one place. Contact [email protected] to see how they can help your school or trust.