General resources

5 Steps to a Whole-School Approach to Digital Safeguarding

This resource from Smoothwall is essential reading for school governors and anyone interested in or responsible for ensuring the safeguarding compliance within schools and colleges.

This guide details 5 practical steps school governors can take towards fulfilling their digital safeguarding responsibilities, to achieve optimal outcomes for the students and institutions they support.

School Governors: Who are they and what do they do?

Written by Governors for Schools, this article provides a whistle stop tour of school governance and explains the role of a school governor. From the requirements to the benefits, it is a great read for anyone thinking about becoming a school governor.

Become an Effective New Governor eLearning series

Our CPD-certified induction course is ideally suited to those new to education, with key language, regulations and acronyms explained so you can fully engage with meetings and visits early in your school governance role. Each section contains real examples of actions and questions – to help you develop best practice – as well as videos of current school governors speaking about their roles.

Governors’ DEI Toolkit

This toolkit from Diverse Educators features a bank of resources to help you and your team examine your current board setup and outlook. In addition, it provides thought on the ways DEI can be prioritised, ensuring governors have the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to take action in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the school community.

Key Abbreviations and Acronyms

This document outlines the most common abbreviations and acronyms used across governing bodies and schools. This resource is a great help to school governors both new and experienced within the role, as well as those thinking of getting involved in the governance landscape.

Academy trust governance guide

The academy trust governance guide is produced by the Department for Education. It is a reference document for those involved in trust governance. It provides essential information from a range of sources on the trust board’s roles and legal responsibilities.

Maintained schools governance guide

The maintained school governance guide is produced by the Department for Education. It offers guidance on the strategic leadership and governance of local-authority-maintained schools.

Education Inspection Framework 2019 [English schools]

The Education Inspection Framework sets out how Ofsted inspects maintained schools and academies, non-association independent schools, further education and skills provision and registered early years settings in England.


School Inspection Handbook

This handbook describes the main activities carried out during graded, ungraded and urgent inspections of maintained schools and academies in England under sections 5 and 8 of the Education Act 2005, respectively.

Could you be a school governor quiz

Interested in taking the leap and becoming a governor but are unsure whether it is right for you?

Why not take our two minute interactive quiz to gauge your suitability for the role?

Welsh Schools

Keeping learners safe [Welsh schools]

Guidance for local authorities and governing bodies on arrangements for safeguarding children. This is a crucial resource for both those involved and wanting to be involved in the governance landscape. This resource was produced by the Welsh Government.

Campaign Resources