Understanding where to find the right data, and being able to ask the right questions about it, are two key skills essential for good governance. It will enable you to establish the ‘root causes’ behind problems, the reasons for success and help establish new approaches and policies for the new academic year, such as building your Covid recovery plan and even vision setting.

This webinar will be hosted by Andrew Mackereth, Senior Partnership Manager at Arbor and previous primary school governor and secondary Headteacher. From his experience, Andrew will share all of the tools and tips to make the best data-driven decisions in your governor role, including:

•The tools you and your school can use to source high quality data, without any additional burden for executive leaders and teachers

•Discover how to use past performance alongside live data to set new benchmarks and targets, in the absence of two years of national benchmarks

•Leave equipped with the best questions to ask your school leaders to help challenge and improve the outcomes and experience of pupils at school

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