Work with existing school governors in your network to increase awareness of school governance 

As a small organisation with a large impact, you can help us to engage more individuals in school governance roles by tapping into your existing network. See our suggested ideas below of how you might do this.

Write a case study 

Ask existing school governors at your organisation to provide you with a case study to share their experience with their colleagues, peers and networks. We have many examples of case studies on our website that have been used to promote recruitment and you may wish to use a similar format. Once written, you can then promote this internally and externally to showcase the volunteer opportunity and the value of the role both to the individual and to their community.  

Host a meeting or lunch and learn at your organisation  

Many organisations we work with have identified their own governor network and are able to invite existing members of their organisation as speakers to talk to their network about their involvement in school governance. You can then signpost to our website during this event. 

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