Why choose the Board Builder Package?

Effective governance is the cornerstone of a successful school, but sometimes additional support is needed to ensure a governing board operates at its best. Whether it’s establishing a new board for a newly opened school, replacing an Interim Executive Board (IEB) after improvement measures, or addressing a significant turnover of school governors, the Board Builder Package offers tailored solutions.

This comprehensive package is designed to build governing excellence through targeted recruitment and in-depth training, equipping boards with the skills and confidence needed to succeed.

What’s included in the Board Builder Package?

The Board Builder Package delivers everything your school needs to establish a strong, effective governing board. Key components include:

  1. Governance review:
    A detailed review helps identify areas for improvement, ensuring the support provided is tailored to your school’s needs.
  2. Chair Recruitment Service:
    Our team proactively recruits a skilled Chair of Governors for your board, identifying individuals with the experience, commitment, and leadership skills required. After appointment, the chair receives comprehensive training and four months of mentoring to ensure they succeed in their role.
  3. Co-opted governors recruitment:
    We recruit four co-opted governors through our Enhanced Recruitment Service. This service targets a largely untapped pool of talent, connecting your school with individuals who bring essential expertise. Newly recruited school governors benefit from our Become an Effective New School Governor eLearning course and 12 months of access to GovernorHub Knowledge.
  4. Tailored training for your board:
    We deliver four bespoke training courses designed to address your board’s specific challenges. Topics include safeguarding, SEND, performance management, strategic planning, and more. This training equips school governors with the skills and knowledge to make an immediate impact.
  5. Additional resources:
    The package includes access to resources for recruiting parent and staff governors, alongside tools to support best governance practice.

Comprehensive training and development

The Board Builder Package is designed to empower your school governors with practical skills and confidence. After assessing your board’s specific needs, we deliver training focused on key areas, such as:

  • Safeguarding and online safety
  • Vision and strategic planning
  • Building an effective board and strengthening leadership
  • School governor roles, responsibilities, and school improvement

Training sessions are led by IGovS professionals with real-world governance experience, ensuring that your board receives expert guidance and ongoing coaching.

Why partner with Governors for Schools and IGovS?

Governors for Schools and IGovS combine decades of expertise in governance recruitment and training. Our collaborative partnership helps schools in need to build exceptional boards that drive success. This targeted approach also equips every new school governor to contribute meaningfully from day one.

Costs and customisation

The Board Builder Package is a paid for offer and includes: chair recruitment, recruitment of four co-opted governors, four bespoke training courses, and access to additional resources.

This package is customisable, and can be tailored to meet your unique governance needs. Optional extras include:

  • Additional training courses
  • Additional school governors
  • Governing board attendance support

If you would like to discuss costings for your board(s), please reach out to our Senior Recruitment Manager, Rebecca Fludder ([email protected]).

Strengthen your governance

To find out more or to discuss how we can support your school, contact:

Rebecca Fludder, Senior Recruitment Manager at [email protected]