The English School System

The English School System is ideally suited to those who do not have a professional background in education. It is suitable for volunteers who are still awaiting appointment as a school governor as well as those who are new to the role. This is a free module from…

Cyflwyniad i Lywodraethu Ysgolion yng Nghymru — taith y llywodraethwr

Croeso i’r modiwl e-ddysgu hwn a gynhyrchwyd mewn partneriaeth â Gwasanaethau Governors Cymru, Governors for Schools a Phrifysgol Caerdydd. Lluniwyd y modiwl hwn yn benodol ar gyfer pobl sydd â diddordeb mewn bod yn llywodraethwr a phobl sydd wedi dechrau yn ddiweddar ar eu taith fel llywodraethwr ysgol mewn ysgol…

An Introduction to School Governance in Wales – the governor journey

Welcome to this e-learning module produced in partnership with Governors Cymru Services, Governors for Schools and Cardiff University. This module is designed specifically for those interested in becoming a governor and for those who have recently commenced their school governor journey in maintained schools in Wales.

Become an effective new governor in academies

Governors for Schools ‘  CPD accredited induction programme covers all the essential information those involved in governing academies need to get started in their role so th…

An Introduction to School Governance

An Introduction to School Governance provides a comprehensive introduction to the school governor role. It looks at the core responsibilities of governors and some of the key activities that they carry out. It includes sections on how governors can make a positive impact, learn more about their school, and prepare…