Diary of a School Governor | Entry 1 | Getting started with D&I
In this video, Sejal speaks about getting started with diversity and inclusion and how you can promote inclusivity in schools.
As part of this year’s Inclusive Governance campaign, we’re asking a range of school governors to provide diary entries detailing their experiences in the role. As well as gaining first-hand insights into people’s diverse governance journeys, we’ll explore how boards are addressing issues surrounding diversity and inclusion. Next up is chair of governors, Sejal Rabone.
Sejal become a school governor in 2012, when her eldest started primary school. Twelve years on, she is now chair of governors at a maintained federation. Additionally, she is a Member of the Trust at a Single Academy Trust in the secondary sector.
Sejal’s work, as a member of support staff at another secondary school in a MAT, gives her invaluable insight into the education space. Through her governance roles, she feels privileged to shape school improvement for all students.
While Sejal tells us ‘a govenor’s life is always busy’, she keeps fit by playing golf, learning ballroom/Latin dancing and is also part of a book club outside of meetings and training.
In this video, Sejal speaks about getting started with diversity and inclusion and how you can promote inclusivity in schools.
In her second video, chair of governors Sejal Rabone explores how she can ensure that DEI is at the heart of her role.
In this instalment, Sejal Rabone talks further about how she ensures DEI within governance through her actions as chair.
Sejal Rabone’s fourth video entry sees her talk about INSET days and her proactive attitude when her school invites a guest speaker in to talk about diversity and inclusion.
Sejal kicks off her second entry by speaking about her thoughts on International Mother Languages Day.
In this episode, Sejal talks about the importance of creating a culture of collaboration and belonging in academy trusts.
Speaking on the subject of agendas and actions, Sejal offers her insight on reviewing agendas for full board and committees, and tracking actions such as training.
In this spring term episode, Sejal speaks about the use of language in documentation and improving accessibility as a school governor.
Closing off her second entry, Sejal reflects on National School Governors’ Awareness Day in February and the resources available.
Sejal begins her final entry by reflecting on the summer term, her experience of a joint meeting between the academy trustees and local governing boards, as well as skills audits and unconscious bias training.
In this video Sejal performs policy reviews to ensure they reflect the needs of people with protected characteristics.
Finishing up her Diary of a School Governor series, Sejal reflects on the importance of inclusion and her time documenting her experiences.