Governors Cymru is a unique, independent support service in Wales that provides a range of services for school governors. Our mission is to inspire and promote effective school governance so that all volunteer governors are well supported to deliver their many responsibilities.
Jane Morris and Samantha MacNamara both have extensive experience of the school governance legislative framework. They have advised and supported many governors, clerks, Local Authorities and Regional Consortia on the roles and responsibilities of governing boards over the years.
Governors Cymru offers a subscription-based package which includes access to a wealth of information on the roles and responsibilities of school governors, to keep you up to date and compliant, as well as saving you time and providing excellent value. This includes a support line, a user-friendly website, high quality online guidance, advice and resource information, e-bulletins and briefing sessions and much more. Â Additional services are also available.
Learn more about Governors Cymru
Governors Cymru gives peace of mind that governing boards have access to the information they need to perform their roles effectively and stay up to date with the latest information. Get in touch via phone or email to discuss on 01443 844532 / [email protected]