What is Pathway to Governance

One school governance sector survey identified that only 1% of school governors were aged 30 or below in 2024. And yet, governing boards need a diverse range of voices to deliver effective, robust governance, and drive school improvement. Pathway to Governance is a response to that underrepresentation, created to drive change in the sector.

A unique CPD-certified programme, it aims to introduce more young and diverse people (18-30) to school governance so they can lend their voices to boards across England. It’s particularly suitable for:

  • Those starting out on their career journey.
  • Young adults with more recent lived experience of the education system.
  • Those who bring a diversity of skills but are not necessarily from a professional background.
  • Those who are interested in school governance but are lacking confidence in their ability to carry out the role effectively.

You can find out more about current cohorts and our funders here.

Hear from Pathway to Governance graduate Sharon Adebola about her experience of the programme

Why is it important?

Many young people assume they do not have the right skills and experience to be a school governor, particularly those under the age of 30. This may be simply because they’re just starting out in their career, because they are still studying, because they are too young or because they don’t hold professional qualifications. 

However, this lack of representation from younger governors can mean a governing board has more limited experiences and insights to draw on, leading to less impactful governance. Schools need school governors with a broad range of skills and perspectives to help them run effectively, and younger volunteers are an essential part of this equation. 

  • Young adults have more recent first-hand experience of the modern education system. This allows them to offer unique viewpoints on a range of issues affecting today’s schools.
  • Younger school governors tend to be more sensitive to the importance of inclusion and sustainability.
  • Growing up in the digital era means younger volunteers understand the kind of skills younger generations will need in their personal and professional lives. 

The Pathway to Governance programme is designed to empower participants to have the confidence to volunteer on a board and understand the valuable contribution they can make to their community. To prepare them for a school governance role, the programme equips participants with the skills and knowledge they need to excel.

How does Pathway to Governance work?

Pathway to Governance is funded by, and run in collaboration with employers, universities, Local Authorities and other organisations. The programme is delivered by experienced school governors within the Governors for Schools team.

Governors for Schools works with partners to recruit candidates for the programme, who then receive:

  • A dedicated Pathway to Governance mentor who can offer support and guidance throughout the programme.
  • Access to our CPD-accredited ‘Become an Effective New Governor’ series – eLearning designed specifically for those who are new to school governance.
  • A live school governing board simulation experience, where delegates are able to apply their skills and learning to a real school governance context.
  • 1:1 application support to become a school governor.

What Pathway to Governance graduates say about the programme

The online course gave a new perspective and threw more light onto what it means to be a school governor. I am looking forward to the role, happy to be part of any school to begin with and learn and contribute to the school.


I’m feeling positive about the impact I can make and more confident in myself. I’m excited to secure a governor role and contribute to the success of any school.


I feel really excited for the potential opportunity to become a school governor. Although it wasn’t real, the mock board meeting felt very empowering and authentic so I think it truly reflected the atmosphere of a governor meeting which was great. I really would like to do more!


Everyone was lovely and so supportive. As a younger applicant I was a bit intimidated but my dedicated support contact quickly made me feel calmer.


I found the modules were incredibly insightful with the right amount of concise information to make valuable notes and consolidate the learning promptly.


How does the Pathway to Governance programme support skills development?

Pathway to Governance isn’t just about helping young adults share their skills with schools. The programme also offers participants a fantastic opportunity to develop their own personal and professional skills base. These skills can then be brought back to their workplace or studies. Research conducted on the experiences of school governors working in professional fields revealed a close match between the skills used in a school governance context and in a corporate/professional context. In particular, school governors recognised significant overlap in the following areas:

  • Providing challenge and asking probing questions
  • Strategic planning and developing professional relationships
  • Leading, persuading or influencing others

School governors reported strong development in these transferable skills, which in turn led to enhanced performance in the workplace. In addition to the areas set out above, school governors also reported strong growth in:

  • Preparation, flexibility and agility
  • Analysing performance data and KPIs
  • Financial skills and value for money

Before starting Pathway to Governance…

Prior to engagement with the programme, Governors for Schools surveyed those taking part. This was to understand their current level of knowledge, confidence and motivation for taking on the role. The answers here are the average scores given out of 10.

After completing Pathway to Governance…

Those who finished the programme then completed another survey to help us understand how their views and confidence had changed after completion. These delegates reported a significant increase in both their understanding of the role, and their confidence in undertaking it.

What makes Pathway to Governance unique?

Pathway to Governance is an innovative and immersive learning programme. It gives delegates the unique opportunity to try out being a school governor before actually becoming one. Led by experienced school governors, delegates have the opportunity to learn how a governing board meeting works. They also get the opportunity to scrutinise board papers, and prepare effective challenge/questions in a governing board meeting context.

Above all, they are supported throughout the process in order to effectively apply the learning developed during the independent study phase of the programme.

How to find out more and get involved in Pathway to Governance

To discuss Pathway to Governance further, contact:

Emma Hawker, Programme Delivery Manager