Governors for Schools launches Wellbeing Governors 

It’s hard to imagine a time when mental health and wellbeing has been more important in schools.   This September, we’re launching a year-long campaign to showcase the importance of having link governors for wellbeing on every school board. Now more than ever, schools need a dedicated…

Look forward to a ‘new normal’ and give back to schools.

Community has never been more important. The past few months have been a challenge for us all. Every one of us has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and while things are starting to return to some form of normality, schools are yet to face some of their biggest…

Holding effective remote governing board meetings

Denise Maloney has been part of virtual governing board meetings since before the country went into lockdown and face to face meetings were no longer possible. Denise talks about the tools she has used with her boards so all boards can make virtual meetings a success during these challenging times.

Holding governing board meetings during the coronavirus pandemic

It’s a challenging and uncertain time for schools and staff, and the children and parents they serve. The decision to close schools, either individually or on a national basis, is out of the hands of governing boards. But governors still have an important part to play, supporting senior leaders and…