Young Governors Information Session
Are you a young person hoping to give back to your community and gain unique experiences that will impress employers?
A school governance role could be just what you’re looking for. By becoming a governor, you could help support the next generation while gaining valuable skills such as budget oversight and strategic planning. Plus, you’ll be helping to diversify the governance landscape. According to stats from the National Governance Association, only 6% of governors are aged under 40 and only 1% are aged under 30. This lack of young voices limits the range of experiences and perspectives on schools boards.
To discover how your experiences as a young person could help address this gap and drive positive change in a school, sign up for our information session today. Governors for Schools is a national charity committed to helping ensure excellent education for children in schools through effective governance. During the webinar, we’ll cover the role of school governing boards, how our free service works, and the training we provide you with both before and after you are appointed as a school governor.
The session will also feature insights from current young governors, who will happily answer your questions and concerns.
Learn more about the role and apply