The role of a wellbeing link governor
Mental health and wellbeing is an integral undertaking in schools. As a result, it needs to be considered throughout all aspects of the school experience. The link governor role creates a connection between the governing board and the wider school/trust. The role is focused on supporting the school to embed its mental health and wellbeing provision across the entire school.
Apply to become a school governor

Becoming a wellbeing link governor
- Firstly, apply to become a school governor, and we’ll match you with a school in need.
- Secondly, you’ll have the opportunity to outline your interest/experience in mental health and wellbeing in the application form. This is so we can find a school looking for someone with your skillset.
- Finally, once you’re on the board, you can apply to become a link governor for wellbeing. If the position is vacant you can become a wellbeing governor, or join a committee focused on wellbeing.
3 areas of responsibility for wellbeing governors
We’ve broken down the link governor role into three main areas of responsibility: strategy, action, and review.
- Ensuring the school has given thorough thought to how mental health and wellbeing can be embedded in the curriculum and other school activities.
- Working with the school to complete an audit of their current provision if needed. This is to understand other areas it could be incorporated.
- Understanding best practice and researching successful ways other schools have approached mental health and wellbeing and be ready to challenge and guide on the subject.
- Acting as the point of contact on the governing board for the staff member(s) tasked with
overseeing mental health and wellbeing provisions within the school - Ensuring the subject is discussed in committee meetings and as an agenda item in full governing board meetings – acting as a mental health champion for the school within the board
- Building links between the school and those in your own professional and/or personal networks who can offer further guidance or support in developing the school’s provision
Monitor and Review:
- Visiting the school to monitor how effectively mental health and wellbeing is present in the school’s actions – this can include learning walks, discussions with staff and pupils, etc.
- Writing reports back to the wider governing board. This helps to build their understanding of the work the school is doing in addition to enabling other school governors to offer challenge and support as they are able.
- Ensuring policies are up to date and cover best practice that is evidenced in the work the school does

School governor actions that could be useful in this school governor role:
- Firstly, undertaking an audit of the school’s provision – how is mental health and wellbeing planned into the everyday life of the school as well as the curriculum?
- Secondly, learning walks around the school to see the provision in practice
- Thirdly, meeting with designated staff members to discuss their plans and priorities for the coming months.
- Additionally, what is planned? What would success look like?
- Furthermore, pupil and Staff voice surveys – how do they feel? Are we seeing results from our initiatives?
- Finally, attending training sessions, webinars and researching mental health in schools to be best informed to offer suggestions and monitor provision.