How you can support our work through sponsorship and bursary opportunities

As a charity in the education sector, we run a range of programmes and initiatives to support schools and individuals. Providing sponsorship or bursary funding helps us to deliver these services at no cost to the school or individual.

If you want to support us in our mission to build exceptional and diverse governing boards , please consider donating to Governors for Schools.

Click here to make a general donation to our work
A bursary for schools to access our enhanced recruitment services

Our recruitment services team run a popular Chair Recruitment Service, as well as an Enhanced Recruitment Service. These are designed to provide expert headhunting support to schools where succession planning has been difficult, and/or where they have multiple vacancies they cannot fill.

A bursary allows the charity to provide these services to schools at no cost to them.

Download bursary brochure

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Pathway to Governance

Our innovative Pathway to Governance programme is designed to inspire and empower those from underrepresented demographics to become school governors. It runs with cohorts of 12-20 people over two months, guaranteeing the appointment of those who wish to proceed onto boards in their local communities.

Governors for Schools is always seeking funding partners to be able to provide the programme free of charge to those who will benefit from it most, in addition to bringing that vital diversity to the school governance talent pool.

Download Pathway to Governance brochure

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Become a core funder

From October 2024, there will be no central government funding for any school governance service. As the largest organisation involved in supporting school governance recruitment across England and Wales, our work is more important than ever.

If you have a passion for ensuring that schools, academies and trusts can build exceptional governing boards, we can work with you to support this in any region of England and Wales. Additionally, grants and donations of all sizes are welcomed to support this core mission.

Please reach out to Hannah Stolton, CEO, to discuss this opportunity at [email protected]

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Sponsoring our highly popular Better Governor webinar series

Governors for Schools delivers a highly popular free webinar series for school governance volunteers. The sessions provide timely expert information on changes in the sector, in addition to focusing on key aspects of the role for volunteers.

The series can only be free to access through generous sponsorship, which provides beneficial exposure in the education space. Could this be your organisation in 2024-25?

Download sponsorship information

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Become a partner

Governors for Schools also has a highly successful corporate partnership programme, which last year saw 331 volunteers from our range of partners taking on school governance roles.

One of our key aspirations for the sector is for all employers to recognise the value of their employees volunteering in these roles. If you’re looking for an impactful skills based volunteering opportunity for your employees, we would love to work with you.

Find out more

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Other ways to support our work

If you have any other ideas of collaborative work or projects you would have an interest in sponsoring, we are always open to discussion and would love to hear from you. Please reach out to Julie Thiberg, Head of Charity Development, at [email protected] to discuss more.

Collaboration is one of our core values at Governors for Schools. The charity enjoys wonderful, productive relationships with a broad range of partners who support different aspects of our work. For Governors for Schools to be truly sustainable, increasing the financial support the charity receives is vital to our future. As a result, we would like to thank you for your interest in providing sponsorship and bursary opportunities.