Questions for discussion: Enrichment in primary schools

Assessing the quality of your school’s educational enrichment strategies involves working alongside other governors to collect accurate information from staff members. To help you gather valuable information that drives productive board discussions and improves educational provisions, we’ve put together some questions you may wish to pose to senior school leaders.

Beyond the school gates: How can governors encourage active citizenship amongst students?

Citizenship education is often overlooked in schools across England and Wales. With educators under pressure to develop students’ individual talents, it’s easy to forget that schools are also responsible for nurturing the communities of tomorrow. Citizenship education represents a mandatory element of the National Curriculum for secondary school…

‘All pupils, every ambition: Enriched education’ governor story: Vickie Butcher

At Governors for Schools, we believe that recruiting governors from across a range of sectors can strengthen school boards and ensure children receive the holistic education they deserve. Indeed, our ‘All pupils, every ambition: Enriched education’ campaign is all about showing potential and existing governors how they can support…

How can schools nurture resilient students through wellbeing initiatives?

It’s undeniable that today’s young people are facing a time of turbulence and uncertainty, particularly following the disruption caused by COVID-19. As well as dealing with the aftermath of isolating lockdowns, young people are increasingly exposed to anxiety-inducing news stories and household pressures. In fact, the Sutton Trust recently flagged…

How can governors help schools develop students’ soft skills?

As part of the ‘All pupils, every ambition: Enriched education’ campaign, we’re pleased to host a guest article by Yes Futures, a charity that specialises in delivering extra-curricular personal development programmes. Keep reading to learn about ‘soft skills’ and their importance in nurturing resilient young adults. ***…

How can governors nurture creative expression among pupils?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “creativity”? Many of us view creativity as a kind of “gift” enjoyed by a talented few. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone has the potential to express themselves through activities such as writing, painting, drawing, or making music.

How can governors support school leaders to deliver culturally enriching experiences?

Throughout the hectic school year, academic achievement and exam preparation can take priority over other pupil development activities. However, as our latest campaign emphasises, high-quality and immersive cultural experiences are vital for helping pupils flourish as young adults. Without them, pupils may lack the skills necessary to get on in…

How can governors tackle common career misconceptions?

Teachers and governors overwhelmingly agree that schools should encourage young people to follow their passions. Whether they’re aspiring artists, astronauts, doctors, or prime ministers, no ambition is off-limits. However, prejudicial attitudes and misconceptions surrounding career pathways mean promoting equal opportunities is easier said than done. Although discourse surrounding diversity has…

How can governing boards benefit from having self-employed people as governors?

As part of the ‘All pupils, every ambition: Future work’ campaign, we are pleased to introduce our newest article, kindly authored by Careers Collective. Sharing their personal insight into becoming a governor, as well as supporting schools with career education development, they showcase the value that self-employed people can…

All pupils, every ambition: Future Work governor case study: Colin Ferguson

Governors for Schools believe that careers education is crucial for the long-term success of young people. School governors are in an excellent position to be able to support school leadership teams to build a career provision that is robust and enables all students to meet their potential. There are many…

Questions for discussion about Careers Education – Secondary

In order to help you learn about your school’s current provision, we have suggested some questions you may want to consider asking. The questions could form the basis of an individual discussion with a designated staff member responsible for careers or be part of a collective discussion at a governing…

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