Featured eLearning – Become an effective new school governor

Thinking about becoming a school governor and want to prepare for the role? Or just started volunteering and want to ensure you’re effective from the outset? Our ‘Become an Effective School New Governor’ series may be for you.

This CPD-certified induction course is ideally suited to those new to education, with key language, regulations and acronyms explained so you can fully engage with meetings and visits early in your school governance role. Each section contains real examples of actions and questions – to help you develop best practice – as well as videos of current school governors speaking about their roles.

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eLearning Courses

Starting out on your journey:

If you are newly appointed to a school governance role, or considering applying to become a school governor we recommend starting with some of the initial modules below.


Become an effective new governor in maintained schools

Our CPD accredited induction programme provides a comprehensive introduction to key topics in school governance to help new governors quickly gain confidence in the role.


Become an effective new governor in academies

Our CPD accredited induction programme provides a comprehensive introduction to key topics in school governance to help new governors quickly gain confidence in the role.


An Introduction to School Governance

An Introduction to School Governance provides a comprehensive overview of the school governor role.


An Introduction to School Governance in Wales – the governor journey

This module is designed specifically for those interested in becoming a governor and for those who have recently commenced their school governor journey in maintained schools in Wales.


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The English School System

The English School System is ideally suited to those who do not have a professional background in education. It is suitable for volunteers who are still awaiting appointment as a school governor as well as those who are new to the role.


Starting out as an academy trustee:

If you are newly appointed to an academy trustee role, or considering applying to become an academy trustee, we recommend starting with some of the initial modules below.


Becoming a trustee

This short eLearning is an ideal introduction for anyone who would like to know more about the role of a trustee. It provides a concise overview of what trustees do and what the role means in the wider context of school governance. It also provides some opportunities for you to reflect on whether this could be the right role for you and what you may need to think about before applying.


Developing your skills and knowledge further and specialist topics

The modules below will help you develop your governance skills and knowledge further and are designed for those currently in governance roles.


Wellbeing governors: building a wellbeing culture in school

Wellbeing Governors: building a wellbeing culture in school is a course we developed as part of our Wellbeing Governors campaign. It looks at what school leaders and governors can do to promote wellbeing and improve mental health among children and staff.


Reducing avoidable exclusions

This eLeaning course explains the role of governors around exclusions, from building a culture that seeks to minimise exclusion, to robustly reviewing decisions to exclude.


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

This course looks at the definition of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), how the needs of pupils with SEND are met in schools, funding for SEND provision, and the role of the board.


Driving School Improvement

Driving School Improvement covers the role of governors in the school improvement process.


Anti-bullying: the role of governance

Learn why it's important for governors to have an understanding of bullying, what bullying means for pupils in your school and what you can do, as a governor, to help prevent and respond to bullying.


Recruiting a headteacher: a practical guide for governors

Recruiting a headteacher: a practical guide for governors is a CPD accredited module which gives those involved in this most important of governor duties the know-how and confidence to complete it successfully.


Have a question?

If you have any questions about our eLearning please contact [email protected]