Trustee Vacancy Information

We are currently seeking a trustee to join the board of The Schelwood Trust, a trust of two schools, with an annual budget of £14.1m.

As a trustee/director your key responsibilities will be to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Hold executive leaders to account – both for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  • Oversee the organisation’s financial performance and ensure its funds are directed to the best possible educational outcomes for young people

By volunteering as a trustee/ director you will be responsible for contributing to the strategic decision-making of the board, helping the trust to realise immediate and long-term goals, and ultimately ensuring transparency, accountability and, challenge.

About The Schelwood Trust

The trust comprises one Grammar School and one  non-selective school, both situated in Slough. The trust is specifically seeking a recently-retired educationalist to join the Board in order to bring additional depth of knowledge, understanding and challenge.

What the trust is looking for:

Educationist – preference would be for someone who has recently retired and therefore has time to dedicate to the role.

What difference will you make?

Volunteering on an academy trust board is deeply rewarding as it allows you to impact the life chances of young people. Academy trusts support schools to give children a better future. For young people to have the best possible opportunities in later life, it’s vital we have individuals with the right expertise leading schools and holding executive teams accountable. Becoming a trustee is a fantastic opportunity to give back to your local community by strengthening education.

As well as looking for new opportunities to give something back to society, you may be looking for opportunities to build your experience in strategic decision-making at senior level or demonstrate your ability to perform in a non-executive position as part of a portfolio career.

All roles are pro bono

People from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Governing boards should represent the communities they serve, as well as wider society. We welcome interest from underrepresented groups to ensure academy trust boards are diverse in background, skillset, and thought.

Diversity is a powerful instrument for effective governance. Trustees are required to make choices that impact the daily lives of children, from school finance all the way through to staff and pupil recruitment. It’s essential that boards possess a broad set of beliefs, experiences, and ideas to inform their final judgements. We believe that true representation at board level enables all children to fulfil their potential.

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