Looking forward: How you can support the future of education governance

With the general election result announced, we’re looking ahead to the next academic year under a new government. We’re pleased to see that education will be one of the key priorities, and hope that the collective value of governance volunteers will be properly recognised. As a charity, we’ve been championing…

Governors for Schools: Update on our services

The education sector relies on over 200,000 volunteers to give their time and skills to sit on school and trust boards across the country. These individuals provide support, challenge, and strategic direction, holding leaders to account for meeting pupils’ needs.  Last month, Inspiring Governance…

Celebrating Our Impact in Wales – 3 Years On 

Over the past three years, Governors for Schools has extended its work into Wales with support from the National Lottery’s Awards for All funding. Since our first placement on 18th January 2021, we have supported 230 skilled and dedicated volunteers onto…

Governors for Schools Conference 2023 wraps up 

On Tuesday, 26th and Wednesday, 27th September 2023, we were proud to host our third annual Governors for Schools Conference.  The event was a resounding success with an abundance of interesting insight coming from a diverse range of speakers. With topics ranging from teacher…

Governors for Schools launches ‘Inclusive Governance’ campaign

We know inclusivity is at the forefront of many minds within the education and governance landscapes. Despite this positive outlook, school boards often struggle to recruit a diverse range of volunteers. Including a wide range of voices in board meetings is a great way to nurture robust debate…

An excellent day at the Schools and Academies Show London

On Wednesday, 17th May 2023, Governors for Schools attended the Schools and Academies Show at Excel, London. Hannah Stolton, Governors for Schools CEO shares her experience of the action-packed day. I was delighted to speak at the Schools and Academies Show last month. As one of the UK’s leading education…

125,000 Challenge – Spring Term update (short read)

With the Spring Term wrapped up and schools across England and Wales taking a well-deserved break, we’re thrilled to reflect on another successful few months in our 125,000 challenge. Through our work with our delightful corporate partners, we’re aiming to appoint enough of their employees into governance roles to…

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