Governors for Schools Enjoys Enlightening Day at Schools and Academies Show

The Schools & Academies Show 2022 took place on 27th April at ExCeL, London for the first time in over three years. Governors for Schools are pleased to have attended the event in person and shared our important mission with a receptive and enthusiastic audience. The show’s return to London…

Governors for Schools celebrates Volunteers Week

Wednesday, June 1st – Tuesday June 7th is Volunteers Week, a nationwide celebration recognising the positive impact volunteers make on communities throughout the UK. In the spirit of this fantastic initiative, Governors for School would like to thank all our volunteers for their hard work and commitment. Over the…

The Challenge of Academy Trustee recruitment: time to take a new approach?

Governors for Schools is sad to learn of the closure of the New Schools Network and the consequent winding down of the Academy Ambassadors Programme, which has worked well to recruit people onto Trust boards. As the government continues to encourage schools to become academies and join Multi-Academy Trusts,…

All pupils, every ambition Term 3: Enriched education launches today!

Today marks the launch of the third term of our ‘All pupils, every ambition’ campaign. In the coming weeks, we’ll explore the theme of ‘enriched education’, looking beyond academic attainment to consider the importance of nurturing well-rounded citizens. We’ll explore how schools can boost pupils’ ‘soft skills’ such as creativity,…

All pupils, every ambition: Term 2 roundup

As the second term of our “All pupils, every ambition” campaign draws to a close, we’re pleased to share some of the helpful and engaging resources Governors for Schools has over the past few months. This term, we looked at careers education and what schools and governors can do to…

Gweithredu yn erbyn bwlio

Mae bwlio yn bryder difrifol i blant yng Nghymru. Dyna pam rydym wedi ymuno â’r elusen gwrth-fwlio Kidscape yr Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant hon (7-13 Chwefror 2022), i dynnu sylw at wybodaeth ymarferol a chyngor ar yr hyn y gall llywodraethwyr yng Nghymru ei wneud i gymryd camau yn erbyn…

Taking action against bullying

Bullying is a serious concern. That’s why this Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022), we’ve teamed up with anti-bullying charity Kidscape to highlight practical information and advice on what governors in Wales can do to take action against bullying. You can also find further resources for governors on…

Remote governance – what this looks like 12 months on

We introduced remote governance last year to tackle the diversity and skill shortages throughout the sector. Remote governance allows for at least a minority of board members to attend meetings remotely. There’s no expectation that they will visit the school regularly, if ever. If a school is struggling to locate…

All pupils, every ambition Term 2: Future work

The second term of our campaign ‘All pupils, every ambition’ launches today and focuses on what governors can do to help prepare young people for the world of work. We’ll explore the concept of employability, and how schools can best help pupils develop skills that will equip…

All pupils, every ambition

Our new campaign ‘All pupils, every ambition’ is about getting people who care about giving all pupils the chance to reach their ambitions onto school boards. After what has been a turbulent time for pupils, now more than ever, we all have a role to play in helping our…

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