Current Vacancies

Inspire Education Trust - West Midlands

Inspire Education Trust is based in Coventry. The trust is seeking experienced educationalists to sit on their boards and help improve educational outcomes.

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Lydiate Learning Trust - Liverpool

Lydiate Learning Trust is based in Sefton and is seeking senior leaders with experience in the primary age range setting.


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South Pennine Academies - West Yorkshire

South Pennine Academies is based in Kirklees. The trust is looking for trustees with extensive finance, HR skills, Premises/Estates or Risk Analysis to support them on their journey.

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Swale Academies Trust - Kent

Swale Academies Trust is based in Sittingbourne. They’re looking for a trustee who can meet the needs of the trust. You’ll need extensive finance/audit, estates management, health and safety, MAT governance or HR skills to support them on their journey.

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The Bridge MAT LTD- London

The Bridge MAT LTD is based in Islington. They’re looking for trustees who can meet the needs of the trust. Skills they are looking for: extensive SME business experience, Working knowledge of board function, Senior civil servants.


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Tudor Park Education Trust - West London

Tudor Park Educaion Trust t is based in Hounslow. The trust is seeking experienced communications, marketing, digital and governance senior professionals to sit on their boards and help improve educational outcomes.

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