Our new campaign ‘All pupils, every ambition’ is about getting people who care about giving all pupils the chance to reach their ambitions onto school boards. After what has been a turbulent time for pupils, now more than ever, we all have a role to play in helping our young people meet their full potential.
The campaign will explore the key components related to widening and improving access to life opportunities for all young people. We’ll show the difference governors can make through their position as strategic decision makers, and why now is the ideal time to volunteer. Schools need positive, dynamic, and committed people as governors to support continuous improvement, making the most of pupils’ drive and abilities to ensure they’re able to live the fullest life possible.
Throughout the autumn term, we’re following the theme ‘Better than normal’. Children and young people have arguably sacrificed the most as a result of the pandemic, with gaps in educational attainment widening further. No student should be disadvantaged due to the events of the last year. Governing boards need people who care about closing the gap to help schools make this possible.
As part of this, we’ll look at how the education sector can incorporate lessons learned over the past year to deliver even better outcomes, so that no child or young person is disadvantaged as a result of the pandemic.
We want to encourage those who are passionate about making sure every generation has the opportunity to reach their potential to volunteer as school governors. As part of the campaign, we’ll be producing articles about the things governors need to be aware of in the post-Covid recovery, and how their skills can support schools specifically in this area.
Over the course of the year, we’ll focus on a different area crucial to young people’s success each term, with the spring and summer terms focusing on employability and an enriched education. We’ll share resources throughout the term for those in the role, including articles for governors, questions to ask at meetings, webinars featuring specialists in social mobility, and will produce eLearning modules for governors to expand their knowledge of each topic.
The spring term will explore the concept of employability, and how schools can best help pupils develop skills that will equip them for the job market of the future. We’ll build on this in the summer term as we focus on widening the experiential offering of schools, helping schools ensure all pupils build the values and cultural capital to enable them to make the most of their later life.
While governors have a strategic rather than operational role, we’ll make it clear how they can impact these key areas. The campaign will champion the important role governors can play in helping address these challenges in their schools, both in the immediate and long term.
Schools need governors who care about the outcomes of all pupils, regardless of background. Joining a school board gives volunteers the chance to put their passion for equality into action, and we’ll support all those who apply.
With thanks to GovernorHub
This term’s campaign resources were made possible through the support of GovernorHub. GovernorHub is the leading governor collaboration tool in the country and provides 100,000 school governors, trustees and clerks with tools to communicate, share documents and access the information they need to support schools. Designed by governors, it’s a simple and easy-to-use platform that saves time, improves processes and allows boards to evidence their efforts, all in one place. Contact [email protected] to see how they can help your school or trust.