Volunteer your skills as a school governor

People from all walks of life make great school governors. School boards need a diverse range of skills and experiences to help them support schools to grow and provide the best possible outcomes for their pupils.

On average our school governors dedicate 7 hours of their time a month and make a lasting impact within their communities.

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Hear from school governors we’ve placed

Elinor, London

I always say that my own education was the bedrock of who I am today. That’s partly why I wanted to be a school governor – to give back, and to give other children the same opportunities I had. Everyone has to learn how to learn or we’re all going to struggle to exist in today’s society.

Scott, Bristol

Lots of people don’t know it’s something you can do if you’re not a parent. I hope that by answering their questions and giving reassurance, I can encourage people to volunteer their skills. Governing boards need people from all walks of life to give input.

Vijay, Hatfield

People often think I’m too young to be a school governor. That’s what I thought too before I read up on the role. You just need to be willing to learn, collaborate and challenge.

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Make an impact – 5 reasons you should volunteer as a school governor:

  1. You’ll see the impact of your decisions first hand
  2. You’ll improve education for local children
  3. You’ll work with people from different professional backgrounds
  4. You’ll feel connected to your community
  5. You’ll make a difference when schools need it most

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