Beyond the school gates: How can governors encourage active citizenship amongst students?

Citizenship education is often overlooked in schools across England and Wales. With educators under pressure to develop students’ individual talents, it’s easy to forget that schools are also responsible for nurturing the communities of tomorrow. Citizenship education represents a mandatory element of the National Curriculum for secondary school…

Look forward, give back, see the power of community

Has Coronavirus shifted our gaze outwards – and what does this mean for volunteering? When coronavirus became the focus of our lives back in March, everything changed on an almost daily basis. Schools in particular, along with other frontline services, were stretched to the limit. As a charity that…

Look forward to a ‘new normal’ and give back to schools.

Community has never been more important. The past few months have been a challenge for us all. Every one of us has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and while things are starting to return to some form of normality, schools are yet to face some of their biggest…