A governor’s experience of forming a federation – Sejal Rabone

Many schools and governing boards are thinking outside the box when it comes to handling tight budgets. In this guest article, Chair of Governors and School Technician Sejal Rabone explains how her board joined forces with another maintained school as part of a federation, a move that has helped the…

The vital role of physical activity during the cost of living crisis

Physical activity offers many benefits for young people, from boosting mental well-being to promoting fitness, social interaction, teamwork, and leadership skills. However, the cost of living crisis has hit schools and families hard, prompting many to cut expenses such as extracurricular sports. So, how can school governors encourage the running…

Questions for governors about the cost of living crisis 

The cost of living crisis has had a significant impact on schools and staff. With costs rising, many families, teachers, and staff are struggling to make ends meet, while budget cuts have added further pressure to schools. As such, governors must ensure school leaders are supported throughout this difficult…