Questions for governors about LGBT+ inclusion in schools

Governors for Schools is delighted to announce our collaboration with charity ‘Just Like Us’, developed to enhance governors’ confidence and knowledge when discussing LGBT+ inclusion. School governance plays a crucial role in shaping policies and strategies that promote diversity and inclusion in schools, in turn creating positive learning environments…

Questions for governors about the cost of living crisis 

The cost of living crisis has had a significant impact on schools and staff. With costs rising, many families, teachers, and staff are struggling to make ends meet, while budget cuts have added further pressure to schools. As such, governors must ensure school leaders are supported throughout this difficult…

Questions for discussion: Enrichment in secondary schools

Assessing the quality of your school’s educational enrichment strategies involves working alongside other governors to collect accurate information from staff members. To help you gather valuable information that drives productive board discussions and improves educational provisions, we’ve put together some questions you may wish to pose to senior school leaders.

Questions for discussion: Enrichment in primary schools

Assessing the quality of your school’s educational enrichment strategies involves working alongside other governors to collect accurate information from staff members. To help you gather valuable information that drives productive board discussions and improves educational provisions, we’ve put together some questions you may wish to pose to senior school leaders.

How can you support schools to develop links in the world of work and business?

Volunteering as a governor can be an opportunity to forge links between local businesses and schools. As a governor, you can support schools by ensuring careers education remains high on the agenda. Knowledge of the local labour market and sources of support that schools can access, is a great…