How does school staff mental health affect pupil mental health? 

The mental health and wellbeing of school staff and their pupils is closely linked. If teachers and school staff work in an environment where wellbeing is prioritised and they feel supported and valued, their pupils will also reap the benefits. So how can schools go about this,…

Pupil Mental Health and Wellbeing Q&A

Kingmoor Infant and Nursery School recently became the first school in Cumbria to be awarded the AcSEED Award.  Headteacher Nicky Corfield and Youth Mental Health Champion Nikki Hall, answer some of our questions about their school’s approach to mental health and wellbeing in this Q&A. 1. Should schools…

Governors for Schools launches Wellbeing Governors 

It’s hard to imagine a time when mental health and wellbeing has been more important in schools.   This September, we’re launching a year-long campaign to showcase the importance of having link governors for wellbeing on every school board. Now more than ever, schools need a dedicated…

Look forward to a ‘new normal’ and give back to schools.

Community has never been more important. The past few months have been a challenge for us all. Every one of us has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic, and while things are starting to return to some form of normality, schools are yet to face some of their biggest…