Gweithredu yn erbyn bwlio

Mae bwlio yn bryder difrifol i blant yng Nghymru. Dyna pam rydym wedi ymuno â’r elusen gwrth-fwlio Kidscape yr Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant hon (7-13 Chwefror 2022), i dynnu sylw at wybodaeth ymarferol a chyngor ar yr hyn y gall llywodraethwyr yng Nghymru ei wneud i gymryd camau yn erbyn…

Taking action against bullying

Bullying is a serious concern. That’s why this Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022), we’ve teamed up with anti-bullying charity Kidscape to highlight practical information and advice on what governors in Wales can do to take action against bullying. You can also find further resources for governors on…

Look forward, give back, see the power of community

Has Coronavirus shifted our gaze outwards – and what does this mean for volunteering? When coronavirus became the focus of our lives back in March, everything changed on an almost daily basis. Schools in particular, along with other frontline services, were stretched to the limit. As a charity that…

Challenge Accepted: Sally

Sally Barrett volunteers as a governor in Wythenshawe, South Manchester.  “I recently retired from teaching after 33 years and during my time in education had various roles – working my way up to headteacher. I had experience of being a staff governor and also as the headteacher on the governing…

Challenge Accepted: Shirley

“I’d been thinking about becoming a school governor for a while. I hadn’t been a governor when my daughters were at school and had always regretted it – but as a single parent with a career, I didn’t have the time. Approaching retirement, I wanted to give something back…