Short read: Busting myths and misconceptions about bullying

Virtually everyone knows someone who has experienced bullying. As mentioned in our launch article, bullying behaviours are endemic across the education system, with almost a third of school leaders reporting that child-on-child abuse occurs at least twice a week in their schools. Despite the high prevalence of bullying, myths…

Governors for Schools teams up with Kidscape to tackle bullying

Bullying represents one of the most complex challenges facing schools and governing boards today. According to research from the Anti-Bullying Alliance, one in every four UK children is bullied frequently or all the time. Those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are at even greater risk, as researchers found…

Gweithredu yn erbyn bwlio

Mae bwlio yn bryder difrifol i blant yng Nghymru. Dyna pam rydym wedi ymuno â’r elusen gwrth-fwlio Kidscape yr Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant hon (7-13 Chwefror 2022), i dynnu sylw at wybodaeth ymarferol a chyngor ar yr hyn y gall llywodraethwyr yng Nghymru ei wneud i gymryd camau yn erbyn…

Taking action against bullying

Bullying is a serious concern. That’s why this Children’s Mental Health Week (7-13 February 2022), we’ve teamed up with anti-bullying charity Kidscape to highlight practical information and advice on what governors in Wales can do to take action against bullying. You can also find further resources for governors on…

How can governors help protect LGBT pupils’ mental health & wellbeing?

This guest blog from Stonewall discusses why it’s important that schools have a particular focus on LGBT pupils’ mental health and wellbeing, and the role governors can play in ensuring this happens.  In the context of the Coronavirus pandemic, schools and colleges have had to find new ways of…