A case for remote governance and ‘blended’ boards of governors

Editor’s note: this article is longer than our usual posts but we wanted to include a diverse set of opinions and perspectives on the concept. Remote governance, or flexi-governance, is a model of school governance that allows for at least a minority of board members to attend meetings remotely.

Staff wellbeing and parental engagement

Improving the educational and life outcomes for pupils is at the centre of a school’s purpose and drives those who work and volunteer in education. Parents of students are even more invested in ensuring their child or children are given the best possible start in life, but despite this shared…

Minimising the effects of traumatic incidents on school staff

Fortunately, highly traumatic events are not a common occurrence. But, when they do happen they can have devastating and long-term consequences for those affected. School staff are particularly vulnerable, working in stressful conditions and being exposed to a wide variety of potential sources of trauma in the school community beyond…

How does school staff mental health affect pupil mental health? 

The mental health and wellbeing of school staff and their pupils is closely linked. If teachers and school staff work in an environment where wellbeing is prioritised and they feel supported and valued, their pupils will also reap the benefits. So how can schools go about this,…

What is staff mental health and wellbeing in a school setting? 

Governors can help transform their schools’ approach to staff wellbeing and mental health. But before they can do so, governors need some underlying knowledge and understanding of the terminology and issues involved.  The World Health Organisation defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which every…

How will the return to school affect children and young people’s mental health – and how can governors support this?   

Governors have a strategic role, so they’re crucial in helping a school focus on mental health and wellbeing when it really matters. While governors can’t offer hands-on support, the governing board can make sure there are structures in place so that children’s and staff’s mental…

What do wellbeing governors do and what experience do you need? 

Link governors for wellbeing – or wellbeing governors – are the dedicated point of contact on a school governing board about mental health and wellbeing provision.   While it’s not a statutory role, many schools recognise the importance of having link governors for wellbeing,…

Governors for Schools launches Wellbeing Governors 

It’s hard to imagine a time when mental health and wellbeing has been more important in schools.   This September, we’re launching a year-long campaign to showcase the importance of having link governors for wellbeing on every school board. Now more than ever, schools need a dedicated…

How will increased remote working affect the future of school governance?

At the height of the coronavirus pandemic in April, 46.6% of adults in employment in the UK were doing some work from home. This figure is expected to rise in the coming years as more workplaces adapt and see the benefits that a flexible approach to the traditional 9-5 can…

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